E-waste Facts

What is e-Waste?

The term "e-Waste" is generally applied to consumer electronic devices and gadgets that are near or at the end of its immediate useful life. e-Waste includes discarded or obsolete cell phones, computers, notebooks, computer game consoles and other electronic devices.

Is e-Waste a growing concern?

Yes! In 2008, we generated 3.16 million tons of e-Waste in the U.S.  Of this amount, only 430,000 tons or 13.6% was recycled, according to the EPA.  The rest was trashed - in landfills or incinerators. (The total generated increased from 3.01 million tons of e-Waste gernerated in 2007, but the recovery rate stayed at 13.6%).

In 2010 the US alone produced approximately 3 million tones (metric tons) of e-Waste.

20 -50 million tons of e-Waste are generated worldwide every year

68% of US Consumers stockpile electronics

e-Waste comprises 2% of America's trash in landfills and 70% of overall toxic waste

300 million computers and 1 BILLION cell phones are put into production each year.  This global mountain of waste is expected to continue growing 8% per year, indefinitely

Approximately 80 % of  e-Waste in the U.S. is exported to Asia

How Toxic is e-Waste?

e-Waste is extremely toxic and the effects on humans are devastating!

Lead is toxic to the kidneys, accumulating in the body and eventually affecting the nervous and reproductive systems.  Children’s mental development can be impaired by low-level exposure to lead.

When burned, PVC produces dioxins, some of the most hazardous carcinogens known.

Brominated flame retardants have been linked to fetal damage and thyroid problems.

Barium produces brain swelling after a short exposure.  It may cause weakness in muscles as well as heart, liver, and spleen damage.

Hexavalent chromium damages kidneys, the liver, and DNA. Asthmatic bronchitis has been linked to this substance.

Mercury is known to harm developing fetuses and is passed through mothers’ milk to newborns.  In adults, it can cause brain and kidney damage.

Beryllium causes acute or chronic beryllium disease, a deadly ailment affecting the lungs.

Cadmium is a carcinogen and long-term exposure leads to kidney and bone damage.

Are the dangers posed by e-Waste dumping limited to the effects on humans?

No! The danger of improper e-Waste disposal hurts the planet and ALL that inhabit it!  This includes animals, birds, sea mammals and aquamarine life.  Virtually every living organism is impacted by the dangerous chemical pollutants that are released into the atmosphere and underground water when e-Waste is improperly disposed.   The polluted soil and air contaminates our vegetables, crops, flowers, grasses, herbs, plants, saplings, shrubs & trees.  Everyone and everything exposed to the toxic pollutants in e-Waste are at risk!

What can be done to stop the devastating effects of e-Waste globally?

Becoming aware of the effects of e-Waste is the first step in arresting this problem.  Upcycling your used electronics is also a great way to take action and make a difference today.  Upcycle by donating your used electronics today.

e-Waste Facts & Figures

Every year Americans generate almost 2.5 million tons of used electronics!

Trashed computers, TVs and other gadgets make up the fastest-growing municipal waste stream in the U.S., according to a report published by the Environmental Protection Agency in June 2011.  As much as 80% of electronic waste goes out with the trash, the EPA estimates, while only about 20% is properly recycled.

e-Waste comprises 2% of America's trash in landfills and 70% of overall toxic waste

- lead in electronics causes damage to the nervous systems, blood and kidneys

- Flat screen computer monitors and notebooks often contain small amounts of mercury in the bulbs used to light them

Large amounts of e-Waste are sent to China, India and Kenya where lower environmental standards and working conditions make processing e-Waste more profitable

- It is reported that 80% of all Asian children have elevated levels of lead in their systems

The EU banned e-Waste from landfills in the 1990s and its laws hold manufacturers responsible for e-Waste disposal

e-Waste legislation in the United States currently stalled – Only 24 states passed or proposed take-back laws

August 2011 – Toxic Trade News reports that the BAN estimates that between 50-100 WEEE (Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment) containers travel EVERY DAY - quite legally - from the U.S. to Hong Kong - Asia’s port of entry

300 million computers and 1 BILLION cell phones are put into production each year.  This global mountain of waste is expected to continue growing 8% per year, indefinitely (BCC Research).

Currently, there is only one recycler audit – e-Stewards® Certification – that requires adherence to international law and bans the export of toxic e-waste to developing countries, including exports of broken equipment for reuse.

SOURCES: EPA, BCC Research, BAN, TOXIPEDIA, National Geographic, David W. Woodell, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Basel Conference Addresses Electronic Wastes Challenge, HP Fact Sheet (2005) “Earth Day”